Timber Grading

Timber is a spectacular and versatile natural material. It yields a vast degree of variety in colour, texture, naturally occurring features, strength and durability.

Timber grading systems have been developed to ensure quality control in the industry and help consumers buy the right timber for their needs. These tests and standards take both strength and appearance into consideration.

Strength Timber Grading

Visual stress grading is undertaken to determine the inherent strength of the timber as determined by its species and the quality of a specific parcel of timber as determined by the defects in selected lengths of timber. Unseasoned timbers are graded S1 through S7 and seasoned timbers are graded SD1 through SD8. In both cases, the lower the number, the higher the strength of the timber.

Appearance Timber Grading

All timber that is used in an application where appearance is important is graded during manufacture to Australian Standards resulting in a Select, Standard, Feature and Cover grade. Grading is simply a sorting process based on a set of rules that permits specific features up to a certain size and number.

The grades specified in Australian Grading Standard are primarily based on the features and desired aesthetic appearance. Each piece of hardwood product shall be graded on the face, edges and ends, as appropriate, in accordance with the requirements of this Standard, sawn or milled to ordered dimensions, and within the tolerances appropriate to the product.

All Macleay River Hardwoods timber conforms to the Australian Standard AS 2796 – Timber – Hardwood – Sawn and milled products.

Grading Descriptions



Select Grade Timber

Select Grade timber provides a limited variation in natural characteristics and the features that are present are relatively small and few in number. 

The low levels of natural feature present the floor with a uniform look and enhanced with natural colour variations. Irrespective of the species, and although features are visible, they do not dominate the appearance.

It has been carefully graded to ensure that it meets strict quality standards. This grade of timber will have the least number of natural features.

Select Grade has a sleek, clean, uniform appearance and is perfect for modern, minimalist and traditional settings.

Standard Grade Timber

Standard Grade timber is a unique and increasingly popular grade, which includes the most interesting variations and markings to enhance its character. Not only will the features be greater in quantity than Classic grade but may also be larger in size, however not as rustic as feature grade.

This Grade is distinguished by highlighting selective gum veins, spirals, burls, insect trails and other natural variations that give timber floors a unique character as individual as a signature.

Standard grade is carefully graded to include the most interesting variations and distinctive timber marking to enhance the looks of a timber with a moderate amount of natural features.

Feature Grade Timber

Feature Grade timber is the most marked of the three with a high level of natural characteristics. Also known as character or rustic grade, this grade displays the maximum number of natural features and in many respects can look similar to Standard Grade but with the features a little more frequent and dominant. 

This grade offers a unique rustic aged appearance with extenuated natural features including gum vein, large knots, pinholes, face checking, insect travels, and even some holes that can be filled during the laying process.

The rustic and random nature of feature grade timber is perfect for those who prefer a natural appearance.